The provisions of applies to audiovisual works in all formats, including CDs, DVDs, videotapes, recordings, etc.
Use of an entire audiovisual work is within fair use provisions of copyright law when:
- It is a legally obtained copy (preferably owned by or licensed to the Library or College); and
- The use is clearly for educational purposes; and
- The work is made available by an instructor to the enrolled students of a specific course through the Library Reserve Collection; or
- The work is made available in a face-to face presentation:
- by an instructor, student or guest lecturer
- to the enrolled students of a specific course
- in the classroom or other College space used for instruction
When copying content for classroom use, less is best. The greater the amount copied, the less likely that fair use exemptions will apply. Best practices recommend copying only the portion required to accomplish a specific educational goal, which may sometimes include small or short works in their entirety. Copied content may be made available online if access is restricted to the enrolled students of a specific course and copying or distribution for non-educational purposes is prohibited.
Public performances of audiovisual material generally require permission of the copyright holder in the form of Public Performance Rights (PPR). Please contact Susan Albrecht for questions about PPR.
For additional assistance, please contact Diane Norton.